Ed's Crib in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY
Cleaning RIPPLE FOLD drapery
Here’s the thing Ed’s cat Garfield likes to roll himself in the drapes, by doing that Garfield “the cat” leaves balls and balls of hair on the drapery. Over time the hair is left on the drapery fabric. See picture below. This looks very unattractive. It takes a lot of effort to remove the cat’s hair and dust from the drapes. How do I get the cat’s hair of the drapery?
Small Spaces:
Not too long ago I was in Park Slope, Brooklyn working at Ed's crib and I was so impressed at the effective use of his space so I had to share it here with you. This is the ground floor apartment of a brownstone. Hint, Park Slope, Brooklyn is known for its brownstone's style homes many of which are considered landmark. Everything is so neatly tucked that's it's just freaking unbelievable. I asked Ed what was his vision in designing his home. Ed said to me he thought of the space as a ship and focused on how he could best utilize the space for maximum usage. I think he accomplished his vision because it all works very well. Everything is in it's rightful place, neatly tucked.
I asked Ed to use the bathroom, he said to me the first door on your left not the one that's open. To him I said I don't see any other door, so he had to walk over and opened the door for me. You know why, down to the door handle is concealed. I didn't realize that it was a door. I thought that it was a wall.
We were at Ed's crib to clean his drapery which he uses for privacy. Now here I go again with ripple fold drapery. For the last 6 months, I've been cleaning or designing ripple fold drapery for my clients. Here are some more pictures of Ed's crib, I hope you like it as much I do. Did I mention Ed has a cat. Looks very much like Garfield.